Data Analysis
Empower your business with AWS’s robust, secure, and cost-effective solutions.
We Provide The Best Courses For You
Are you ready to become a data expert? Our Data Analyst Master Program is designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge to excel in the world of data analytics.

We Provide Data Analysis For You
The Data Analysis course equips learners with the skills to collect, clean, analyze, and visualize data using tools like Excel, SQL, Python, Tableau, and Power BI. It covers core topics such as statistics, data manipulation, and machine learning to help extract meaningful insights and solve real-world business problems. Through hands-on projects and career preparation modules, students will build a strong portfolio and gain the confidence to succeed as professional data analysts.
Start Your Data Analysis Journey Today!
Don’t wait to build the career of your dreams. Enroll now and take the first step toward becoming a skilled Data Analysis.

Phone Number
- Work of a Data Analyst
- Dowlonading and Installing Tableau Desktop
- Loading Data into Tableau
- Creating Column & Bar Chart
- Saving your work in tableau public
- Horizontal & Vertical Axis
- Stacked Bar chart
- Creatin Area Chart
- Creating Line Chart
- Creating Scatter Plot
- Creating Pie Chart and Donut Chart
- Creating Lolipop Chart and TreeMap
- Filter shelfs in Tableau
- Symbol & Filled Map
- Funnel & Packed Bubble Chart
- Sets in Tableau
- Parameters in Tableau
- Sets & Parameters
- Top 10 Customers & Bottom 10 Customers using calculated Field
- Top 10 Products & Bottom 10 Products using combined sets
Tableau Dashboard 1
- Importing Data
- Creating & Formatting Bar chart
- Creating & Formatting a Pie Chart
- Creating & Formatting a Line Chart
- Creating & Formatting a Scatter Plot
- Creating the dashboard
Tableau Dashboard 2
- Importing data
- Transaction by City
- Number of Trasaction by Age Group
- Transaction by Payment Method & Merchant Name
- Adding Filters
- Creating Dashboard
Tableau Prep Builder
- Downloading & Installing Tableau Prep Builder
- Understanding the Dataset
- Connecting to Text File & Microsoft Excel
- Removing Additional Columns
- Cleaning Orders Central Table
- Cleaning Orders East Table
- Cleaning Orders West Table
- Assigning Data Roles to Geographical Fields
- Combining Different Tables
- Cleaning Returns Table
- Joining Tables
- Cleaning Combined Table
SQL + Tableau Project (Student Depression Data Analysis)
- Importing Data to SQL Server
- Modifying Gender Column
- Adding the Age Group Column
- Column Distribution remaining columns
- Adding Index Column & Updating depression column
- Downloading & Installing Tableau Desktop
- Bringing Data from SQL Server to Tableau Desktop
- Academic Pressure & Student Count
- Financial Stress & Student Count
- Study Satisfaction & Student Count
- Sleep Duration & Student Count
- Study Hours & Student Count
- Creating the Student Count Analysis Dashboard
- Publishing the report to Tableau Cloud
Introduction to MySQL Database
- Download and Installation
- What is Data and types of Data
- What is Database and types of Database.
MySQL Basics
- SQL DDL Commands
- CREATE command
- ALTER command
- TRUNCATE command
- DROP command
- RENAME command
- MySQL Data Types
- SQL DML commands
- INSERT command
- UPDATE command
- DELETE command
- Constraints
- SQL DQL command
- SELECT command
- SQL Where Clause
MySQL Advance Querying
- Sorting Data (ORDER BY).
- Filtering Data (LIKE, IN, BETWEEN, NOT IN, > , < , >=, <=,!=).
- Using Aggregate Functions:
- Grouping Data with GROUP BY.
- Filtering Groups with HAVING.
- Subqueries and Nested Queries.
- Union
- Intersect
- Minus/Except
MySQL Joins
- Introduction to Joins.
- Types of Joins:
- Inner Join.
- Left Join.
- Right Join.
- Full Outer Join.
- Cross Join.
- Self-Joins.
MySQL Functions
- Numeric Functions: ROUND, FLOOR, CEIL.
- Control Flow Functions: IF, CASE.
MySQL Advanced Functions
- Rank, Dense Rank & Row Number Window Functions – 1
- Rank, Dense Rank & Row Number Window Functions – 2
- Window Functions – Lead Function
- Window Functions – Lag Function
- ISNULL & Coalesce Functions
- Common Table Expressions – 1
- Common Table Expressions – 2
MySQL other objects:
- Views in MySQL and Types of Views
- Store Procedure and types of Stored Procedures
Data Import/Export
- Importing Data using LOAD DATA INFILE.
- Exporting Data to CSV/SQL Files.
POWER BI Course Introduction
- Microsoft Power BI Course Introduction
Introduction to Power BI
- General Workflow Power BI
- Download and Installing PowerBI Desktop
Data Visualization
- Creating a Bar Chart
- Creating a Column Chart
- Creating a Line & Area Chart
- Creating a Pie & a Donut Chart
- Creating a Clustered Column & Bar Chart
- Creating a Ribbon Chart
- Creating a line & stacked column chart
- Creating a Line & Clustered Column Chart
- Creating a Scatter Plot
- Creating a Bubble Map Visual
- Creating a Table & Matrix Visual
- Formatting Table & Matrix Visual
- Creating a Funnel Chart
- Gauge chart & KPI Visual
- AI Visuals in Power BI
Power Query Editor
- Detecting Data Types in Power BI Desktop
- Data Profiling
- Column Distribution Example
- Appending Queries
- Merge Inner Join
- Left Outer Join
- Right Outer Join
- Left & Right Anti Join
- Full Outer Join
- Group By in Power Query Editor
- Add/Transform Columns
- Pivot, Unpivot & Transpose
Power Query Editor
- DAX Lecture 1
- DAX Lecture 2
- DAX Lecture 3
- DAX Lecture 4
- DAX Lecture 5
- DAX Lecture 6
Project 1 : Sales Data Analysis
- Business Requirements
- Loading Data to PBI Desktop
- Data Profiling & Data Transformations Part 1
- Data Transformations Part 2
- Primary & Foreign Key
- Cardinality
- Star Schema
- Different types of Filter in Filter Pane
- Top Bottom 5 products By Sales,Qunatity and Profit
- Sales Trends Over Time
- Other Requirements
- Requirement 4 DAX
- Requirement 4 Edit Interactions
- Other Remaining Requirements
- Changing Filter Behavior for Dimension Table Slicers
Project 2: Insurance Data Analysis
- Publishing the Report to Power BI Service
- Scheduling Refresh
- Drill Through Filter
- Testing Scheduled Refresh & Publishing the updated report
- Creating & Testing Roles in PBI Desktop
- Testing & Implementing RLS in Power BI Service
- Power BI Reports & Dashboards
- Sentiment Analysis Power Query
- Sentiment Analysis Adding Visuals to the Report
Excel Dashboard 1
- Pivot Tables Lecture 1
- Pivot Tables Lecture 2
- Creating & Formatting the Column Chart
- Creating & Formatting the Bar Chart
- Creating & Formatting a Line Chart
- Creating & Formatting an Area Chart
- Creating & Formatting a Pie Chart
- Creating the Dashboard
Excel Dashboard 2
- Data Understanding and cleansing
- Data Transformation (Removing Data Quality Issues using VLookUp Function)
- Adding Age Group & Production Cost Per Unit Column
- Adding a 3D Column Chart
- Adding a 3D Bar Chart
- Adding a 3D Line Chart
- Adding a 3D Pie Chart
- Creating Dashboard
Power Query Editor in MS Excel
- Data Profiling (Column Distribution)
- Data Profiling (Column Profile & Column Quality)
- Combining Queries
- Inner Join Concept and Examples
- Left Join Concept and Examples
- Right Outer Join Concept and Examples
- Full Outer Join Concept and Examples
- Left & Right Anti Join Concept and Examples
- Nulls in SQL Server & Power Query Editor
- Appending two tables
Importing Data from MySQL Server
- Importing Data to SQL Server
- Importing Data to Excel From SQL Server
- Data Understanding & Creating the Pivot Table
- Adding Category Slicer
- Adding Other Slicers & Formatting Slicers & Pivot Table
- Refreshing the Report